September 01 2019 at 02:00AM
Maite Meijide Montes is volunteer of the month September 2019
The Board has nominated Maite Meijide Montes as volunteer of the month. We would like to thank Maite for the extraordinary effort she has put in, especially before and during the Oslo Project Symposium in August.
Maite went the extra mile to finalize our new app, tested and made it available for the attendants at the conference. Without Maite's energy and hard work during the summer months we would not have been able to launch the app in time for the conference. Even when Maite's day job is super-busy she always finds the time to help in marketing related activities for our chapter, and we would like to give Maite our full gratitude considering all the time she invests in volunteer work for PMI Norway Chapter.
Utnevnelsen som månedens frivillig hedres med omtale på våre nettsider og i sosiale medier. I tillegg vil det blant de som utnevnes i løpet av året, bli trukket ut en frivillig som mottar en middag for to personer til en verdi av kr 1 500.
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