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PMI Forum 2016 i Marseille, Frankrike, 14.-15. mars


I mars arrangerer PMI France Chapter sitt PMI Forum 2016


14. og 15. mars 2016 arrangeres PMI Forum 2016 i Marseille, i Palais du Pharo - Congress Center. Tema er "The Universe of Sport - a Source of Inspiration and Performance for our Projects".

Her er noen smakebiter fra programmet deres:

  • 3 plenumsdebatter
  • 30 konferanser, workshops og rundebordsmøter
  • Profesjonelle foredragsholdere og toppidrettsutøvere
  • Utstillingsområde
  • Over 600 deltakere
  • Sosial sammenkomst om kvelden mandag 14. mars


"As a warm up to « Marseille 2017: European Capital of Sport, the association PMI France has organised its National Forum 2016 in Marseille under the thematic Sport & Project Management, convinced that the values of an individual or team sport, the techniques and methodologies developed by athletes or sports organisations can be implemented at a company-level to help in the management of projects and teams. The mastery of projects requires know-how and interpersonal skills. The speakers at the National Forum 2016 in Marseille will present how sport can enable the Project Manager to perform:

  • Transforming a group into a project team - The pride of belonging
  • Project team management: between sporting values and agility. The individual serving the collective
  • How to win and stay on top, Managing emotions
  • Human factors in sport and projects, Mental strength and the deep desire to succeed
  • Sports challenges in the service of projects, The culture of achievement
  • Feedback and experiences from projects linked to sport (events, competitions, …)
  • Digital projects, industrial projects, … in the field of sport"


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