November 11 2019 at 01:00AM
Presentations from the Oslo Project Symposium
It feels like a long time ago since August and the amazing programme and speakers we at the Oslo Project Symposium.
Below you can download individual presentations, or download all of them in one ZIP. We hope you benefit from the content, and credit the respective speakers if you refer to these presentations to others. Thank you!
Cathrine Holten (7.52 MB) - Altinn
Johan Reenskaug (2.72 MB) - Johan Sverdrup
Nuno Gil (1.18 MB) - Crossrail London
Ingrid Dahl Hovland (9.46 MB) - Nye Veier
Leif Delp (3.88 MB) - Hywind Windpark
Mike Palladino (17.84 MB) - Hoover Dam
Roar Haugland (4.78 MB) - Solar Energy Farms
Maria Gil (14.55 MB) - Motorways UK
Eric Smith (2.49 MB) - Qatalum
Hans Hagby (4.97 MB) - Munch Museum
To download all the presentations in one go, download this ZIP (68.07 MB)
Have you not registered your PDUs yet? The PMI event number is: OPS20190826
If you have any questions about the content, please contact Joan Frost Urstad, the PM for the Oslo Project Symposium 2019.