Konferanse til støtte for UNICEFs arbeid i Tyrkia og Syria etter jordskjelvet

Power Skills


Påmelding og donasjoner skjer via arrangementssiden: https://talk-around-the-clock.com

Virtuell konferanse der alle donasjoner og andre bidrag går uavkortet til Unicefs arbeid med 850 000 barn i Tyrkia og Syria som har mistet hjemmene sine etter jordskjelvet i februar. Alle presentasjoner og informasjon vil være på engelsk. 

Fra arrangementssiden:

39 top speakers, 24 hours, and help for 850,000 children

Donate and book your seat at the “Talk around the Clock” virtual charity conference!

Some of the world's finest speakers in project management await you. They speak pro bono for a common purpose: Delivering Value to the People.

On February 6, 2023, Türkiye* and Syria got shattered by a 7.7 magnitude earthquake. We watched devastating news with a broken heart: Destroyed cities, thousands of people under the rubble, and multiple innocent victims, among them many children who lost their homes and families. 

The PMI Ukraine Chapter initiated the Talk around the Clock conference. Ukrainians apprehend what it means for a nation to endure pain and losses. They asked Oliver F. Lehmann from Germany for help, one of the organizers of the 1st Talk around the Clock in 2022, and together, they formed the project team for this charity event.

The Talk around the Clock virtual conference crowdfunds money for people in need.  As Ukraine received support to overcome the challenges of the war and stay vital, they pay it forward and help others.

All speakers and other contributors come pro-bono. The full revenue goes to UNICEF's help program, which focuses on the weakest of all victims: The 850,000 displaced children.


We have support from several PMI chapters and welcome promoting partners and corporate donors.


PMI-certified project managers can claim 1 PDU per hour of attendance, 24 PDUs maximum.




* Türkiye was formerly known as Turkey.

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Konferanse

Type of activity: Power Skills, Ways of Working, Business Acumen, Agile

Date: 14 to 15th April 2023

Hour: 8:00 to 8:00

Registration close date: 15 April 2023 at 8:00

# of PDUs: 24


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free