European Sustainability Summit 8. november

Business Acumen


PMI UK Chapter er vertskap for årets 12-timer lange European Sustainability Summit. I samarbeid med andre PMI Chapters i Europa (Belgia, Nederland, Tyskland og Tyrkia) har komiteen satt sammen et spennende program. Følg med på konferansesidene for flere detaljer, og meld deg på!

Fokus for konferansen er folk, planeten og prosjekter  ("People, Planet and Projects").


3 grunner til å delta på konferansen:

Turn your frustration into action

Frustrated with the state of the world? Maybe you’ve noticed the slow progress towards the 17 UN

We want to change that. We will work with the organizations making a difference today, so they can make faster progress in the future. Our focus is to work together to improve the outcomes in pragmatic and real ways. The Sustainability Summit is the first step to unify PMI across Europe to focus on actionable steps to deliver on the dream of sustainable development.


Make it a learning moment

Are you trying to learn something new every day? Great, doing so can make you more employable, promotable, and ready to take action. Make this Summit a learning moment.

You will have access to some of the best innovators and organizations. You will hear what students are doing to make the world more sustainable. And you will hear form Project Mangers on how our ways of working and tools, such as the PMBoK, can fast track outcomes. These new insights can help you do and be better by improving your skills for both current and future projects.


Turn bad news into good news

The bad news we hear when we turn on the news can be soul crushing. Counter that by joining this community of like-minded people who are looking for answers and working towards better outcomes.

The good news is that together we can make a difference. Join us to see just how you can use Projects to create Impact in your community.



It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Webinar

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: 8 November 2023

Hour: 10:00 to 20:00

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


PMI UK Chapter