Webinar - AURA Model

 Webinar - AURA Model
 How to Maximize Culture with Project Management - AURA Model

MERK! Påmelding via www.projectmanagement.com

Platform: WebEx
Capacity: 1500
Duration: 60 min
Presenter: M. Aslam Mirza

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At its worst, culture can be a drag on productivity. At its best, it is an emotional energizer.

You need to develop high performing “Culture” to create a driving force in organization for implementation of strategy and reach to desired goals effectively and efficiently.

An organization’s culture is its basic personality, the essence of how the teams interact and work. It is an elusively complex entity that survives and evolves mostly through gradual shifts in leadership, strategy, and supportive circumstances. Culture is the self-sustaining pattern of behavior that determines how things are done.

You may learn how to maximize supportive culture with Project Management - AURA Model that is made of instinctive, repetitive habits and emotional responses. Generally culture can’t be copied or easily pinned down and help creating strong competitive edge.

Corporate cultures are constantly self-renewing and slowly evolving and a formal effort to change a culture (to replace it with something entirely new and different) needs to get to the heart of what motivates people, what makes them tick.

Participants will learn;

  1. What the dimensions of PM Culture are
  2. What the PM-AURA Model is
  3. How the PM-AURA Model helps in building culture
  4. How maximizing culture will be affected  



Registration Details


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Type of category: Webinar

Date: 31 January 2018

Hour: 18:00 to 19:00

# of PDUs: 0.0


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
