Oslo Branch - Creating Value, Measuring Results and Assuring Success!
Creating Value, Measuring Results and Assuring Success!
This seminar is a co-operation between ProsjektNorge, NTNU and PMI Norway Chapter - Oslo Branch.
PMI, Prosjekt Norge og NTNU har ved flere anledninger samarbeidet om prosjektseminarer, prosjekt POP-UP events og konferanser som Prosjekt2018. Denne kvelden kombinerer vi PMI PUB og Prosjekt Norge seminar i samarbeid med NTNU. Hovedtemaet er nyttestyring av prosjekter med særskilt fokus på IKT-prosjekter. Våre tre foredragsholdere er eminente forskere fra NTNU, Simula og BI. Alle har bidratt med verdifulle resultater for prosjektfaget og for lønnsomme og vellykkede prosjekter.
Professor Magne Jørgensen: Agile Software Development and Benefits Management: A Perfect Match?
The success of software development is poorly defined as being “on time, on cost and with the specified functionality”. More importantly, it has to deliver benefits to its stakeholder that makes it worthwhile. At Simula Met we have conducted several studies on the relationship between software development practices, especially those related to agile development, and success in delivering good benefits. The presentation reports to what extent and which agile, and other practices are connected with successful benefits management. Magne Jørgensen is a Norwegian scientist and software engineer specialising in the field of scientific computing, he is a Professor and Chief Research Scientist at the University of Oslo, Simula Research Laboratory.
Professor Kim van Oorschot: The Boiled Frog Syndrome – about Monitoring Project Progress
It shouldn’t happen, but it does: You realize much too late that your innovation project is in deep trouble. How did someone with your knowledge and training miss the signs of impending disaster? Were you misled by the data? Or by your own assumptions? In an analysis of a massive, expensive innovation failure in the semiconductor industry, Kim van Oorschot from Holland, Professor of Project Management of BI Norwegian Business School (and co-authors) found that project progress information can blur a teams’ perceptions about the current status of the project. This presentation will be in English.
Professor Ole Jonny Klakegg: Real value for money? What will it take?
We all want value for money, don’t we? What does this require of future projects? How does it change the focus, process and way we define the project delivery model if we really want value to be the key thing? This presentation will discuss present trends and potential future of projects along these lines. Ole Jonny is a professor in Project Management at NTNU, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, focusing on Project Execution Models and Project Delivery Models. Through his career Ole Jonny Klakegg has alternated between teaching and research at the university, and working as a consultant in project management. His experience is based on both theoretical and practical perspectives .
All Project Managers and practitioners in the project disciplines are welcome.
Vi ønsker medlemmer av PMI og ProsjektNorge og alle andre prosjektinteresserte hjertelig velkommen til et spennende seminaret!
Påmeldinger via PMIs hjemmeside. Kvelden er gratis for påmeldte.
Det blir enkel servering fra kl 17.00.
PMI-Puben gir 2,5 PDU-er for PMP-sertifiserte deltagere. 1 for technical , 0,75 for leadership og 0.75 for strategic.
For denne PMI-puben er det opprettet et eget arrangementet oppført i kurskatalogen til PMI. Du finner kurset ved å søke på Oslo20181024.
PDU-ene registreres av den enkelte deltaker. Veiledning finner man på www.pmi.org ved å logge seg inn og gå inn på myPMI.
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