Oslo Branch - The Importance of Right Timing in the Oil&Gas Industry

 Oslo Branch - The Importance of Right Timing in the Oil&Gas Industry
 The Importance of Right Timing in the Oil & Gas Industry; Examples from Field Development

Velkommen til PMI PUB med program fra olje- og gassbransjen. Denne gangen er vi hos Sopra Steria som også er kveldens sponsor. Foredraget er på engelsk. 


The Importance of Right Timing in the Oil & Gas Industry; Examples from Field Development

The programme for this event is centred on the front end segment of the Oil & Gas Industry; and covers oil field development and a typical project involved. Frederik Steenbuch is a senior consultant in his company Capricorn Offshore AS, and has a lifetime of experience in the industry. Today Frederik will give PMI a special seminar presenting us insight into real life project of what was intended to develop into a major contributor in the offshore construction segment. He will focus on a special case in the presentation.

Nordic Heavy Lift with its 5,000 tonne crane vessel; Borealis, was developed by a small group of initiators in the early 2000s. The business case was to develop a solution that could accommodate a large number of offshore lifts, albeit not the top end being in the range of 10,000-12,000 tonnes in dual crane lifts with semisubmersible crane vessels (SSCVs), but significantly larger than the majority of crane vessels which existed at that time

The presentation by Frederik Steenbuch describes the many activities that necessary to carry through a project of this nature and dimension, these include:

  • Business Plan
  • Specification of the vessel with critical parameters, including main technical specification
  • Agreement with a design / engineering contractor
  • Obtain DNVs Basic Design approval
  • Issue RFQs to qualified yards to build the vessel
  • Discussions with suppliers of offshore cranes
  • Obtain agreement for financing project
  • Close inter-company agreements with project supply chain
  • Schedule project, mobilise resources and initiate execution


Frederik touch upon how the drilling segment has changed in the last 10 years, and how the supply chain has radically changed to become more of a co-operation between the players, rather than the tough competition that had unrealistic bids and many killed players.

As a consultant, Frederik Steenbuch has performed work for a large number of drilling, exploration and oil service companies, both national and international, during the last 23 years. Mr. Steenbuch also holds directorships in several oil service companies, and industrial and management companies.


This PMI PUB will be in English. We welcome PMI members, and interested project professionals from the project network, as well as employees from our partner organisations.  Please register via the PMI Norway website: www.pmi-no.org

No-show fee: The meeting is free for all registrants, but to avoid waste there is a no-show fee of NOK 250 for registrants who do not inform us by mail if they cannot make it, by 12.00 noon on Tuesday February 26th  (oslo.pub@pmi-no.org)

Servering: Refreshments will be served from 16.30.

Påmelding: Via PMI Norway Chapters hjemmeside www.pmi-no.org

PDU: Attendance earns 2 PDU, one for strategy and one for domain.


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 Sopra Steria
 Biskop Gunnerus Gate 14A (Postgirobygget, henvendelse i resepsjonen)

Registration Details


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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: PMI Pub

Date: 27 February 2019

Hour: 16:30 to 19:00

# of PDUs: 0.0


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
