Rogaland Branch - Humanitarian Projects in War Zones

Power Skills

Our sponsor will together with PMI open this evening’s programme with an introduction to Solv, and give us an overview of their company and services.

There will be 2 speakers presenting humanitarian projects.



Disaster operations - reflections and contrasts


AnnaTereseLekvam.jpgAnna Terese Lekvam has work experience from both emergency relief after natural disasters around the world, and sustainability projects in the Western Balkans. In 2005 she worked in Sri Lanka after the tsunami and in Louisiana US after the Katrina hurricane. In this session, her experience from these two emergency relief operations will be discussed.

Anna Terese grew up in a farm in Ryfylke. She holds an open BA in Languages and Pedagogy, as well as an Executive Master of Management degree consisting of Economy for Decision Makers, Project Management and International Management. Anna Terese has experience from the Public sector working as a Civil Servant, 2 years as a PM in the CAFAO program, more than 10 years as a PM in a large Oil Service Company and just recently started to work for Solv.





HansGerhardHavik.jpgHans Gerhard Havik has decades of experience from international operations, including several senior positions within humanitarian work in highly unstable regions. Havik worked many years within the oil and gas sector and also in banking. More importantly for this seminar, he has extensive experience from many years of working with projects and operations with Norwegian People’s Aid, Red Cross and IFRC in countries such as Cambodia, Kenya, West-Africa and Haiti.

Hans Gerhard will share with us his valuable knowledge and experience from projects in disaster areas and war zones, focusing on practical preparations before missions, on-site work and important management aspects including possible corruption and reorganization aspects.

About the photo, in Hans Gerhard's own words in Norwegian: "Et bilde fra New York der jeg mottok min æres-doktorgrad i oktober 2016. Presidenten i "Union des Universitets Prive'es d'Haiti" Dr Romain står ved siden av meg."


Practical information


It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Prosjektledersamling

Type of activity: Power Skills, Business Acumen

Date: 29 August 2019

Hour: 17:00 to 20:00

# of PDUs: 2


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free

