Bergen Branch - Johan Sverdrup Oil Field Development; The Making of a Giant
Bergen Branch - Johan Sverdrup Oil Field Development; The Making of a Giant
Johan Sverdrup is the largest offshore oil find in Norway in 30 years and estimated to hold 1.8 billion to 2.9 billion barrels of oil equivalents. It's seen producing 550,000 - 650,000 barrels of oil equivalents a day when fully developed, equal to about 25 percent of current domestic output. Production will start late 2019 and is predicted to last for about half a century.
Aker Solutions assembled one of its biggest engineering teams ever to deliver the initial plans for the engineering and design phase of the giant North Sea Johan Sverdrup oil deposit.
Project manager Johan Reenskaug will present this giant project, the challenges they had and how they were solved.
Johan Reenskaug gave a presentation on the same subject on the PMI conference in Oslo in August, but will give focus to different aspect this time to avoid to much repetition for those who attended the conference
- 1745 Coffee
- 1815 The Making of a Giant
- 1900 Break
- 1915 Presentation continues, Questions
- 2000 Adjourn
About the presenter:
Johan Reenskaug, Project Director, Aker Solutions ASA
Johan Reenskaug has had many Project Management roles in the oil and gas industry. His experience includes engineering, construction and completion related projects and Project Director roles responsible for project portfolios. He has a broad technical knowledge of sub-sea systems, well intervention systems, field layout, utilities, structural and process design.
Deck that will be used as a basis for the presentation (log in for access).
Practical Information
Refreshments will be served before the talk starts and you will get the opportunity to get to know the PMI Norway Chapter and to network with the presenter and attendees.
The meeting is open for all.
Target audience: Project managers and professionals, Project enthusiasts
As usual, KnowIT AS will make the premises in Nøstegaten 58 available for us.
Food and beverage will be served from 17.45. The lecture will start at 18.15
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