Hva trenger en prosjektleder å vite om cybersikkerhet?
Høyskolen Kristiania med sin IT-faglige ekspertise tilbyr våre medlemmer og andre interessenter et webinar innen dette dagsaktuelle temaet. Førstelektor og instituttleder for Institutt for teknologi ved skolen, Eivind Brevik, organiserer agendaen for PMI, som vil ta for seg både cybertrusler i en typisk prosjektgjennomføring, og tiltak som kan være aktuelle. Presentasjonene holdes på engelsk.
Del 1 (20 min): Chris Culina, Secunor - "Swimming in shark infested waters with an anchor attached to your neck while wearing a meat suit"
Information protection and threat management are key concepts to surviving in a digital world. It's a cat and mouse game that demands continuous adaptation and innovation. For a project manager, governing information assets that might be of great value and critical to mission success, there are however a set of key survival skills that will greatly reduce cyber risk without the need to become a master of information security and divert too much attention away from project management.
Del 2 (20 min): Gaute Wangen, Diri - Security considerations in tech startups
Diri AS is a small technology startup developing state-of-the-art risk management software. Diri was founded in June 2020 and our software hit the market during spring 2021. There are a lot of considerations when working with innovation and technology, especially regarding security risks. This talk will discuss some of the key risks as a tech startup and how we are managing them.
Del 3 (10 min): Andrii Shalaginov - AI-based cybersecurity at Høyskolen Kristiania
Disruptive digitalization in recent years brings a wide range of new smart technologies and applications into our everyday life. With increased connectivity and Internet of Things (IoT) devices capabilities, adversarial actors inventing new ways of exploiting systems and stealing information. Therefore, cybersecurity has become one of the most important factors in designing these new technologies. Over last years many companies have been employing AI to tackle many cybersecurity-related challenges as it has powerful generalization capabilities to find patterns of previously unseen attacks in large amount of data. This talk will present research and innovation work in the area of AI-based cybersecurity that we are doing at the Department of Technology, Høyskolen Kristiania.
Om foredragsholderne/About the presenters:
Chris Culina har jobbet med håndtering og analyse av sikkerhetshendelser for en rekke virksomheter i offentlig og privat sektor. Han har opparbeidet seg sjelden innsikt i statlige trusselaktører og digital spionasje, og har bygget opp og ledet tekniske og taktiske cybersikkerhetskapabiliteter, bl.a. i BDO og KPMG. Nå driver han egen virksomhet innen cybersikkerhet og beredskap, og bistår virksomheter med rådgivning og ledelse av hendelseshåndtering.
Gaute Wangen er gründer / CTO i startup teknologibedriften Diri AS og 20% universitetslektor institutt for informasjonssikkerhet og kommunikasjonsteknologi ved NTNU i Gjøvik. Han har doktorgrad i risikostyring av informasjonssikkerhet og har arbeidet som seniorrådgiver innen sikkerhetsledelse og risiko ved Helse Sør-Øst RHF og ved NTNU.
Andrii Shalaginov is an Associate Professor with the Department of Technology at the Kristiania University College, where he builds a cybersecurity lab. His work focus is the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for cybersecurity, detection of computer viruses, network attacks and smart protection of Internet of Things devices. He
holds a PhD degree in Information Security from NTNU and has been working at NTNU CCIS on digital forensics projects. From before he also has a decade of cybersecurity-related experience in industry, academia and serves as a representative from Norway to COST Action CA17124 "DigForAsp” and a part of EUIPO expert group "Impact of Technology".
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Som forberedelse til webinaret anbefaler vi at deltakerne tar en kikk på "Key features of today's cybercrime landscape" av Moneer Barazi, frivillig i PMI Norway Chapter Oslo Branch.
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